Download and unpack the Guardant SDK archive, than Launch Setup.exeGuardantSDK_7_0.msi.
1b) From the original Guardant CD:
Choose the directory containing the Guardant SDK and launch Setup.exeGuardantSDK_7_0.msi.
2) Then, follow the installation wizard’s instructions to perform the following:
Also in the process of running the Setup.exe the GuardantSDK_7_0.msi file the Guardant drivers will be installed into the system. Dongles require the drivers for operation.
Upon completion of the installation process of the software a new item Guardant 5 Developer’s Kit – “%Public Code%”SDK 7 will appear in the Program section of the Start menu.
In order to perform most of the actions with the dongles select the utilities in the respective program group or from the the Guardant IntegratorSDK 7 shell.
The The Guardant IntegratorSDK serves as the fast access shell to the most frequently used elements of the Guardant software package.